+385 (0)51 371 408 ordinacija@jug-viskanic.com

Dental practice Jug Viškanić


Jug Viškanić dental practice offers you a complete dentist service, from oral hygiene, preventive and conservative stomatology to fixed and mobile prosthetics, oral surgery, implants, paradonthology and aesthetic stomatology.

About us

The practice was established in 1974 which is the best proof of our tradition and quality of our services. Cooperation with experts from the field of oral surgery and orthodoncy provides our patients with all the necessary top quality services at just one place.


A new thing in treating paradenthosis is certainly Vector, a special machine designed to cleanse affected gum tissue completely painless and without anesthetics.


Gum tissue conditions are on the rise due to increasingly poor immunity, diet and stressful life styles. The most common condition is paradenthosis.

Pleasant waiting room in which you will not wait for long


Il studio ha iniziato l’ attività nell’ anno 1974 il che è la prova migliore di una tradizione a lungo termine e della qualità dei nostri servizi.


Stomatološka ordinacija Jug djeluje od 1974. godine što je najbolji dokaz dugogodišnje tradicije i kvalitete naših usluga.


Die Praxis existiert seit dem Jahr 1974, was der beste Beweis für eine lange Tradition und die Qualität unserer Dienstleistungen ist.

Modernly equipped practice and an excellent service

Contact us
Šetalište 13. divizije 11/v
51000, Rijeka, Croatia
tel/fax: +385 (0)51 371 546
tel: +385 (0)51 371 408
mob: +385 (0)98 424 675

Our friendly and warm, but above all professional stuff